Inner Child Regression Workshop

INTRODUCING Inner Child Healing Workshops.

Each half day workshop is designed to heal different aspects of our life with inner child healing.

A lot of our beliefs, trauma, behaviours, patterns, relationships issues starts very early in our impressionable childhood. These unhealed parts of us hinders our growth and healing!

These workshops will begin to get in touch with this unhealed inner child and it’s impact on us! It will be a combination of understanding the theory and experiential processes to identify and start healing different aspects of ourselves!

Come join us to experience how it feels to start healing from deep within!

Please contact Shirley (91992684) or Pooja (97276181) or for any questions or registrations.

Healing your body with Inner Child healing

If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.—Hippocrates

Our body keeps the score of traumas, emotions, and belief systems. Our repressed emotions (especially fearful or negative ones) can zap mental energy, negatively affect the body, and lead to health problems. Any physical problem is a manifestation of dis-ease on psychological and/or emotional levels. The physical body is responding to the imbalance and warning of the need to return to the path of love and harmony.

When illness or disease is indicated, the body is communicating to us that our way of thinking (although unconscious) is out of harmony with what is beneficial to our being. Illness indicates the need to change in our belief system and tells us that we have reached our physical and psychological limits.

In this experiential workshop, we will touch base with the non-harmonious parts of ourselves that’s leading to the body breaking down and we will begin the healing process!

Embracing your Personal Power with Inner Child Healing

During this experiential workshop, you will be able to understand and use the perfect balance of “open power”.  You will explore how to use your power and at the same time be open to use positive power for yourself and others.

In this workshop we find our lies about power and transcend the limited viewpoints we may have on power.  Experiential processes will be used to work with your body to find where you have created energy ridges that limit and close your power source.

We will work with the parts of you that may be too afraid to use your power and the opposite parts inside you that may want to abuse your power.

You will explore the use of your own positive power in your past lives and bring that energy forward in time so you can use it in your present life.

Breaking Money Patterns and creating a positive money flow with Inner Child Healing

Very early in life we form beliefs that control patterns of behaviour for our whole lives.  One of these core patterns is our belief about abundance and self worth.  Since our society too often equates money to the value of who we are as a person, what we believe about self worth also becomes our money script. It becomes a major block to abundance in our lives.

During this experiential workshop, you will be able to understand what is causing a lack of abundance.  We will explore our relationship of money and worth and worthlessness as core beliefs.

Experiential processes will be used to identify where we have blocked our money flow and help reveal the source of negative money patterns.  Then, we begin to heal those negative patterns.  We can then become free to create a new way of relating to money and creating a positive money flow in our lives.

Drawing Healthy Boundaries with Inner Child Healing

As Brene Brown says: “Clear is kind, unclear is unkind.”

Knowing how to set boundaries is one of the most essential yet overlooked social skills. Boundaries are rooted in clear communication. The more precise you can express your boundaries, the more likely your boundaries will be respected. However a lot of us can’t draw boundaries or draw weak boundaries due to past conditioning, people pleasing, fear of loss or loneliness, fear or repercussion. A lot of these behaviours are rooted in childhood experiences!

In this experiential workshop, we will touch base with the parts of ourselves that’s preventing us from drawing clear and healthy boundaries, and we will begin the healing process!

Transforming your relationships with Inner Child Healing

The past effects the present. When we come from a dysfunctional family, as an adult, the result is often feelings of low self worth, loneliness, and feelings of powerlessness in our own reactive responses. In personal and business situations that subconsciously trigger the family of origin, we react, we feel rage, sorrow, fear, helplessness and we do not understand why. And these affect our current relationships.

This workshop helps you to understand how to we can transform our relationships and create success in life with Innerchild Healing. You will be using experiential process designed to help you go inward and access the disharmonious parts of yourself and understand what happened that you had to create unbalance in current relationships. It is about learning to make conscious choices instead of reacting to the dysfunctional family patterns.

Course Trainer


Pooja Arora, co-founder of ReDefine Wellness, is an engineer & an MBA and Marketing specialist with 12+ years of international marketing experience, working with companies like P&G and Unilever. She is also a Reiki master teacher, Yoga Instructor, Silva Method Instructor (dynamic meditation), Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Wellness Coach and a Meditation Guide.

Upcoming Inner Child Healing Workshops

Fees : Each workshop $125

(payable before each workshop)

All five workshops $500

(If you miss any workshop, your registration will enable you to get the recordings)

Workshops Date/Time Register
Embracing your Personal Power with Inner Child Healing 11th Jan 2025 (Saturday) @ 2.00pm – 5.00pm Singapore Time (via Zoom) Click here to register
Healing your body with Inner Child healing 8th Feb 2025 (Saturday) @ 2.00pm – 5.00pm Singapore Time (via Zoom) Click here to register
Transforming your relationship with Inner Child Healing 1st March 2025 (Saturday) @ 2.00pm – 5.00pm Singapore Time (via Zoom) Click here to register
Breaking Money Patterns and creating a positive money flow with Inner Child Healing 29th March 2025 (Saturday) @ 2.00pm – 5.00pm Singapore Time (via Zoom) Click here to register

A lot of our beliefs, trauma, behaviours, patterns, relationships issues start very early in our impressionable childhood. These unhealed parts of us hinders our growth and healing!
These workshops will begin to get in touch with this unhealed inner child and its impact on us! Each half day workshop is designed to heal different aspects of our life with inner child healing

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