DECODE is a SELF HEALING workshop for your own transformation and self-awareness. It shares deep knowledge that helps us understand ourself and our world better, introduces techniques working with deep subconscious mind and group processes that guide us to do self-enquiry and enable transformation. These techniques are SIMPLE, EASY and EFFECTIVE to practice for the purpose of Self-Healing.
Sound healing creates a balance in our mind and body system and has the power to heal not just emotional imbalance but also mental and physical imbalance. It works on two principles: That different emotions vibrate at different levels, and that blocked, or unexpressed emotions, are the main source of dis-ease.
Everything in nature vibrates at a unique frequency, including plants, crystals, objects and of course, our bodies.
A lot of our beliefs, trauma, behaviours, patterns, relationships issues start very early in our impressionable childhood. These unhealed parts of us hinders our growth and healing!
These workshops will begin to get in touch with this unhealed inner child and its impact on us! Each half day workshop is designed to heal different aspects of our life with inner child healing
Ascend Reiki is a Reiki that is inspired by Kundalini Reiki and Kundalini Yoga.
Ascend Reiki is an energy therapy that works with the body’s own remarkable healing capabilities. It promotes and accelerate the natural healing process and restore balance on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
While it is normal to have stress and worries in life at the most trying of times, stress and worry can manifest and become a chronic problem for some. Feeling trapped in a vicious cycle of stress can make people feel mentally, emotionally stressed and physically drained, leading to disruptive conditions like sleep problems, inability to carry out daily routines, anxiety, depression and negative feelings of withdrawal from life.
Retrieving Past Life Memories and reclaiming joy through an experiential PLR Workshop
Past life regression therapy is a form of psychotherapy that allow individuals to discover and relive past life experiences that contain unhealed wounds, undigested life experiences or even past life talents. We understand how our present life’s thoughts, behaviours and patterns are caused and why we hold on to them.
The Silva Method is a self-empowerment & mind development program. It is scientifically proven, step-by-step process of developing and using your mind to live a life of experience,regain your health, attract success & abundance, make effective decisions by awakening your intuition and creativity, improve your relationships and live the life of your desires and designs.
Reiki is an energy healing technique for finding your balance, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. It helps channel the universal life force (Reiki) through your hands to help balance your mind, body & energy. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.