Ascend Crystal Healing Workshop

Meditation is extremely beneficial for every part of our being—our mind, our body and our spirit. It helps us to relax, clears our mind and releases negative energy and unwanted thoughts. Using crystals for meditation is a powerful tool to deepen your meditation, as well as achieve a specific outcome during your meditation. On a spiritual level, meditating with crystals can help to raise your consciousness and awareness, deepening your intuition and bringing insight.

Crystals are one of the tools to help you start and maintain your meditation practice, connect with a specific intention or goal and move into deeper states of meditation.

Crystals are superb energy transmitters. Whether you wear them as jewellery, carry them in your pocket, use them to decorate your home or office, or use them to meditate, they work powerfully to open your energy pathways, dissolves blockages and balance your energy.

Crystals are seen as a powerful meditation tool. They can be held or used as a focus object in order to assist in obtaining a deep meditative state, clear the mind, maintain concentration, calm the body or to absorb their powerful healing properties.

During the workshop you will learn to choose and use different crystals for healing and meditation and use the healing tips suggested to inspire your own crystal healing therapies and for personal growth and development. You will learn :

  • Cleanse, activate & program your crystals
  • How to meditate with crystals
  • Energy centers and their connection to major aspects of your life
  • How to use crystals for healing and balancing the energy centers
  • Crystals Healing layout and grids
  • How to choose and work with crystals for healing, business, energy and motivation, clarity of mind, good luck, good relationships, and much more….

Workshop fees :$400 (including a set of Chakra healing crystals worth S$68)


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Shirley Tay at 9199 2684

Venue for all classes & workshops: ReDefine Wellness, 333B Beach Road. Level 3, SG 199563

Ascend Crystal Healing Meditation Workshop

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Date Time Teacher
Shirley Tay
Success Stories
  • The crystal meditation course was an awakening experience for me. During the meditation I saw my chakras. This gave me insights on what strengths to celebrate and habits to change to become spiritually balanced. I have been practising crystal meditation just the way you taught it. Delightfully, I have experienced crystal vibrations. Your method works!

  • I usually buy crystals as accessories, I know they have some kind of energy but I do not know much of them. Today I have gain knowledge of how to awaken them, cleanse them and charge them and also how to store them. I enjoyed the chakra healing meditation

  • You are a gifted, compassionate, and focused spiritual evangelist. I thank you for sharing, guiding, and being loving.

    Serene W
  • It was insightful, very helpful that Shirley patiently explained from the basics of crystals and how to use them for healing.

  • Thank you for sharing so much about crystals with us and I have bring home so much more with me with all that you have given and taught us


Meditation is extremely beneficial for every part of our being—our mind, our body and our spirit. It helps us to relax, clears our mind and releases negative energy and unwanted thoughts. Using crystals for meditation is a powerful tool to deepen your meditation, as well as achieve a specific outcome during your meditation. On a spiritual level, meditating with crystals can help to raise your consciousness and awareness, deepening your intuition and bringing insight.

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