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Sound Meditation

Experience sound therapy with singing bowls and gong to stimulate and balance the nervous system. This deepens relaxation, improves sleep, improves memory and concentration, intuition, removes blockages and toxins, purifies negative energies and emotions, promotes sense of balance and clarity.
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0 Student
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Kundalini Yoga Classes

Kundalini Yoga is a way to raise self awareness and experience your highest consciousness. It is considered as the most comprehensive of yogic traditions, combining physical exercises, breathing techniques, meditation, sound, hand poses, eye-focus and body locks to balance and strengthen your glandular and nervous system. It teaches the techniques and awareness to stay healthy...
0 Lesson
0 Student
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Chakra Meditation

Experience sound therapy with singing bowls and gong to stimulate and balance the nervous system. This deepens relaxation, improves sleep, improves memory and concentration, intuition, removes blockages and toxins, purifies negative energies and emotions, promotes sense of balance and clarity.
0 Lesson
0 Student