Kundalini Yoga Workshops

Interested or curious about Kundalini Yoga ? Want to know what it’s all about? Here’s the primer you are looking for !

Join us and get the chance to learn about the basics of Kundalini Yoga, the most powerful and effective yoga known that make you feel more energized, more relaxed and more alive all at the same time! Your presence will become more magnetic and you will attract things to you that you previously had to run after!

This one day workshop includes :

  • Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
  • Guidelines for Personal Practice
  • An Inner Journey through Mantras & Meditation
  • Art of Silence & Listening
  • Breathing Techniques & Body Locks
  • Your Life is in your Chakras
  • Relax & Renew Yoga
  • Healing Meditation

Kundalini Yoga Workshops

Workshops Date/Time Register
Connecting with your purpose through Kundalini Yoga 12th November  2022 @10.00 am  -5.00 pm Click here to Register
Success Stories
  • I enjoyed the whole experience! I have been feeling so tired and unbalanced and left feeling happier and rejuvenated! I really enjoyed the mix of breathing exercises, stretching and meditations. As a scientist I also really appreciate the scientific explanation behind why things work. I enjoyed it all, particularly the part on learning about ourselves and the chanting meditations. 

  • The workshop is awesome, it explained the science of Kundalini Yoga very well. Every aspect of KY was captured (ie meditation, breathwork, exercises, mantras) and explained scientifically and also very experiential. I get to feel the whole body vibrating within and out and able to experience being my true self. 

  • The Kundalini Yoga workshop is really good! It gives me an understanding of the kundalini exercises that I do in class. I have gained a deeper insight to myself and how I can in tune to myself when I need to.

    My tension & pain in my shoulders & neck area has subsided a lot. The breathing techniques has helped to unblock the tension & bring healing to my body. Thanks Shirley for your amazing work & guidance!

  • The contents of the workshop is well covered. I enjoyed learning about the different types of breathing techniques and how to do it correctly. 

  • I enjoyed learning about the breathing techniques and their benefits as well as understanding more about Kundalini. It enables self-understanding and appreciation.


Kundalini Yoga is a way to raise self awareness and experience your highest consciousness.
It is considered as the most comprehensive of yogic traditions, combining physical exercises, breathing techniques, meditation, sound, hand poses, eye-focus and body locks to balance and strengthen your glandular and nervous system. It teaches the techniques and awareness to stay healthy in body and in mind, boost up your energy and uplift your spirit!

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