Shamanic Healing

What is Shamanic Healing ?

SHAMANS have been providing healing and divination to their communities since probably the dawn of humankind. Shamanic healing addresses the spiritual aspects of an illness or problem, and can complement any other healing modalities. Shamanic Healing and Divination can be performed both at a distance and in-person. We recommend reading the Interview with Dr. Harner about Shamanic Healing & Divination to understand more about Core Shamanic Practises.

A Shamanic Healing session may include:

  • Shamanic Divination & Diagnosis: One of the classic tasks of the shaman is to journey into non-ordinary reality in order to obtain answers to questions, or use tools to gather information useful to clients, including a spiritual diagnosis.

  • Guardian Spirit/Power Animal Retrieval: One of the first things a shaman can do for a client is journey to retrieve a power animal/guardian spirit, much like a guardian angel in the form of an animal. Children are very aware of their guardian spirits, thus the universal love of animals that children have. Adults often lose this connection, but it can be repaired! Once the power animal is known to the client, they can learn more about the characteristics of that animal, bonding with it in everyday life.

  • Shamanic Extraction Healing: Shamanic practitioners perceive and remove localized illness and pain due to spiritual factors. This is an important part of shamanic healing training, and is perhaps the most universal of all shamanic healing practices worldwide.

  • Soul Portion Retrieval: Soul portion retrieval is one of the most powerful shamanic healing practices, and so very needed in our world today. A trained shamanic practitioner can find, perceive, and return portions of the soul or consciousness that may have moved away or dissociated as a result of trauma or any situation in which we were unprepared to feel the associated emotions. Shamans believe that soul loss is a common source of illness, depression, and chronic fatigue, as well as a variety of mental and emotional disorders.

  • Psychopomp Work: Also known as Soul Escorting, a normal part of shamanic healing for the departed, performed by shamans worldwide for thousands of years. This healing is for the physically deceased whose souls did not successfully navigate to the Transcendent Realms.

  • Spirit Influence Healing & advanced techniques: Removing the impacts of spirit intrusions, attachments, and possessions.

  • All the shamanic practices above can be done both in person and at a distance, depending on the practitioner’s training and experience.


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