Meditation Workshops

While it is normal to have stress and worries in life at the most trying of times, stress and worry can manifest and become a chronic problem for some. Feeling trapped in a vicious cycle of stress can make people feel mentally, emotionally stressed and physically drained, leading to disruptive conditions like sleep problems, inability to carry out daily routines, anxiety, depression and negative feelings of withdrawal from life.

Meditation Stress
Meditation for Insomnia
Meditation for Anxiety
Meditation for Pain
Energy Clearing Meditation
Integrated Meditation Workshop Series

Managing Stress with Meditation & Energy Healing A Better Answer to Chronic Stress


While it is normal to have stress and worries in life; at the most trying of times, stress and worry can manifest and become a chronic problem for some. Feeling trapped in a vicious cycle of stress can make people feel mentally, emotionally stressed and physically drained, leading to disruptive conditions like sleep problems, inability to carry out daily routines, anxiety, depression and negative feelings of withdrawal from life.

“A life of stress is faced by those who forget living, and start hassling. When you are just living, there is no stress because you live as breath comes in “~ Yogi Bhajan

Programme Outline

During this one day of fun and experiential learning workshop, you will learn and experience breathing techniques, movement and meditations to change your mindset, manage stress and shift negative emotions.

With a simple individual test, you will be able to discover the signals sent by your body and acquire a deep understanding of your glandular system and how it is affecting your emotional and mental state.

You will learn how little changes in your lifestyle and habits can bring a significant change in your psycho-physical-emotional condition and give you a less stress, more joyful and healthy life.

You will also be learning how to use crystals and essential oils to enhance the practice to cultivate greater health and maintain mental and emotional well-being.

Key takeaway

  • Understand and leverage the power of your mind to control your emotions
  • Identify the stress patterns, beliefs and energy leaks which limits your potential
  • Powerful tools and meditation techniques to detox the stored hormonal remnants of stress
  • Tips on how to overcome obstacles and challenges with focus, inner calm and peace
  • Harness and focus the power of your mind and intentions
  • Breath and energy work to increase vitality and build a reserve force of energy to create space and clarity to live a high vibrational life filled with joy

Learning Methodology

This is an experiential learning workshop using kundalini yoga, breathing techniques, essential oils and crystals, mindfulness and dynamic meditation, group sharing and discussion.

What to Prepare

Warm comfortable clothing suitable for stretching and lying down.
Bring a notepad & pen, a water bottle, as well as your humour and an open mind.

Workshop duration – 10 am to 5 pm

Ready to sign up for Managing Stress with Meditation & Energy Healing. Click here for the workshop schedule.

You may also check out these workshops in our Integrated Meditation Workshop Series:

Workshop Fees

One day workshop : $250

2 days workshops : $450

4 days workshops. : $800

Ready to start meditation to reduce your stress? Join us in this meditation workshop series to guide you in creating a personalized practice to cater to your needs and wellness practices. Click here to register

You may also join us for a free talk if you want to understand the power of your subconscious mind and how to manage your emotions with meditation and energy healing.

Integrated Meditation Workshop Series

Managing Insomnia with Meditation & Energy Healing for Restful Sleep to end Insomnia


Beyond making you feel groggy when you wake up, poor sleep quality can make you feel sluggish throughout the day. Poor sleep quality has been linked to obesity and weight gain and not getting enough sleep is also associated with an increase in calorie intake without any increase in activity level. Finally, a poor night of sleep can impact your immune system, making you more susceptible to colds and flus and lowering your energy levels for days at a time. 

With a  high-quality sleep, your body restores many functions and leave you feeling more energized and alert when you wake up to operate at your peak potential. 

“Total harmonious relaxation cures the body. To achieve this there must be a coordination between the three facets of ourselves: body, mind, and soul” ~ Yogi Bhajan

Programme Outline

Of course, it is not always easy to fall asleep, especially when you are stressed or have a lot on your mind. This one day of holistic and experiential learning workshop is designed to share with you proven strategies for eliminating poor sleep and habits to create lasting change with a holistic regimen that allows the mind and body to settle for a healthy restful sleep. You will learn how to improve your sleep quality, strengthen you natural sleep system and create an environment conducive for a good night’s rest.

You will discover and learn how to adjust some lifestyle habits that support satisfying and restful sleep.

You will also be learning how to use natural healing therapies in the right way and pair crystals and essential oils to cleanse your body and mind of negative toxins and heal yourself while leading to better health and overall well-being.

Key takeaway

  • Understand your relationship between sleep and conditions that affect your sleep
  • Identify and address the root causes of your sleep problem
  • Powerful deep relaxation and meditation techniques to ease into sleep, increase sleep time and improve sleep quality
  • Learn exactly what you can do when you cannot sleep to break the cycle of poor sleep
  • Breath and energy work to relax the body and mind to generate the maximum need for peaceful restorative sleep

Learning Methodology 

This is an experiential learning workshop using kundalini yoga, breathing techniques, essential oils and crystals, mindfulness and dynamic meditation, group sharing and discussion.

What to Prepare

  • Warm comfortable clothing suitable for stretching and lying down.
  • Bring a notepad & pen, a water bottle, as well as your humour and an open mind.

Workshop duration 

10 am to 5 pm

Ready to sign up for Managing Insomnia with Meditation & Energy HealingClick here for the workshop schedule.

You may also check out these workshops in our Integrated Meditation Workshop Series

A Better Answer to Chronic Stress

Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety

Healing the Source of Emotional Pain

Workshop Fees

One day workshop : $250

2 days workshops   : $450

4 days workshops.  : $800

Ready to start meditation to get a peace of mind and a restful sleep but don’t know where to start? This meditation workshop guides you in creating a personalised practice to cater to your needs and wellness practices.

You may also join us for a free talk if you want to understand the power of your subconscious mind and how to manage your emotions with meditation and energy healing. Click here for more details 

Integrated Meditation Workshop Series

Managing Anxiety with Meditation & Energy Healing

Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety


Anxiety and fear are emotions often occur together and are triggered by perceived threats. It is a basic survival mechanism that signals our bodies to respond to danger with a fight or flight response and is an essential part of keeping us safe. However, when people live in constant fear or threats they perceive, they can become incapacitated.

Anxiety and fear are associated with many mental conditions such as  anxiety disorders,  phobias and panic attacks. Fear weakens our immune system, can cause cardiovascular damage, gastrointestinal problems, decrease fertility and accelerate the ageing process. Fear can also impact our thinking and decision-making in negative ways, leaving us susceptible to intense emotions and impulsive reactions. So whether threats to our security are real or perceived, they impact our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

“Where there is peace and meditation, there is neither anxiety or doubt” ~ St Francis de Sales

Programme Outline

During this one day light-hearted and experiential learning workshop,  you will learn and experience breathing techniques, movement, meditations and techniques to release anxiety,  negative emotions and reduce tension in your body.

Discover and understand your thinking patterns and identify the root of your anxiety triggers.

With a simple individual test, you will be able to discover the signals sent by your body and acquire a deep understanding of your glandular system and how it is affecting your emotional and mental state.

Discover lifestyle choices you can take to manage situations and cultivate habits to alleviate excessive worry, incessant mental chatter and persistent anxious thoughts.

You will also be learning how to use crystals and essential oils to enhance the practice to cultivate greater health and maintain mental and emotional well-being.

Key takeaways

  • Understand how your subconscious mind control your thoughts and emotions
  • Identify your stress and anxiety triggers and how to manage them
  • Powerful mind-body practices and techniques to increase awareness, reduce stress andtension in the body
  • Harness the power of your mind with meditation to increase focus and develop good mental habits and self-belief
  • Breath and energy work to energize, balance and strengthen your nervous and glandular systems to create internal biochemistry of mental calm and clarity.

Learning Methodology 

This is an experiential learning workshop using kundalini yoga, breathing techniques, essential oils and crystals, emotional freedom technique, mindfulness meditation, group sharing and discussion.

What to Prepare

  • Warm comfortable clothing suitable for stretching and lying down.
  • Bring a notepad & pen, a water bottle, as well as your humour and an open mind.

Workshop duration

10am to 5pm 

Ready to sign up for Managing Anxiety with Meditation & Energy HealingClick here for the workshop schedule.

You may also check out these workshops in our Integrated Meditation Workshop Series:

A Better Answer to Chronic Stress

For a Restful Sleep to end Insomnia

Healing the Source of Emotional Pain

Workshop Fees

One day workshop : $250

2 days workshops   : $450

4 days workshops.  : $800

Ready to start meditation to reduce your anxiety? Join us in this meditation workshop series to guide you in creating a personalised practice to cater to your needs and wellness practices. Click here to register 

You may also join us for a free talk if you want to understand the power of your subconscious mind and how to manage your emotions with meditation and energy healing. Click here for more details

Integrated Meditation Workshop Series

Managing Pain with Meditation and Energy Healing Heal the Source of Emotional Pain


Most of us have varying degrees of physical or emotional pain. Very often, we tend to connect more to our physical body hence, we tend to give our external a lot more love than our internal. Although pain may manifest externally, the root cause is almost always an emotional pain that has become lodged in the subtle body (unless caused by a physical injury or trauma). These emotional blocks get stored inside the body until they start to cause pain. Facing our emotions and tracing them back to the trigger helps to remove such blockages from within and also relieves us from the physical pain.

“To all who feel! May we live in gratitude for life’s every high and low, and find the way to transform pain into peace” ~ Guru Meher

Programme Outline

During this reflective and therapeutic workshop, uncover the false perceptions that cause us to cling to pain and learn more about the interconnection between emotions and pain in specific areas of the body. Learn how to relief and ease pain through mindfulness meditation, movement, breathing techniques and practices to release negative emotions, create more positive ones and be open to experience deep peace.

With a simple individual test, you will be able to discover the signals sent by your body and acquire a deep understanding of your glandular system and how it is affecting your emotional and mental state.

You will learn tips and habits that can bring a significant change in your psycho-physical-emotional condition and find your way back to your core of balance, peace and wellbeing.

You will also be learning how to use crystals and essential oils to enhance the practice to cultivate greater health and maintain mental and emotional well-being.

Key takeaways
  • Understand our emotions as our sensory system and how to connect and use them as a source of information to overcome chronic pain,  heal and provide initiative to improve our life circumstances
  • Identify and transform the thinking patterns and beliefs that keeps us feel stuck in the past
  • Powerful meditation techniques and tools to transform pain and negative feelings into positive purpose and peace
  • Breath and energy work to increase vitality and elevate our energy to  access peace and live a life of choice filled with freedom and joy
Learning Methodology

This is an experiential learning workshop using kundalini yoga, breathing techniques, essential oils and crystals, mindfulness and dynamic meditation, group sharing and discussion.

What to Prepare
  • Warm comfortable clothing suitable for stretching and lying down.
  • Bring a notepad & pen, a water bottle, as well as your humour and an open mind.

Workshop Duration
10am to 5pm

Ready to sign up for Managing Pain with Meditation and Energy Healing .Click here for the workshop schedule.

You may also check out these workshops in our Integrated Meditation Workshop Series:

Workshop Fees

  • One day workshop : $250
  • 2 days workshops   : $450
  • 4 days workshops.  : $800

Ready to start meditation to reduce your Pain? Join us in this meditation workshop series to guide you in creating a personalised practice to cater to your needs and wellness practices. Click here to register

You may also join us for a free talk if you want to understand the power of your subconscious mind and how to manage your emotions with meditation and energy healing.

Everything is Energy – What this means for you?

Everything is made of energy and has its own unique vibration, including you. Everything is in a constant state of receiving and radiating energy. The frequency of this energy falls on a spectrum from light to dark. Light energy is infinite, effortless, and rooted in love. Dark or shadow energy is dense and rooted in fear. As an electromagnetic being, you attract experiences and relationships that match your frequency.

How do you know what frequency you are vibrating at? You may sense this energy by seeing colors or hearing sounds—or you may just know it. If you pause before you think, speak, or act, you can usually sense whether you’re spurred by doubt, insecurity, control, or the need to be perfect or you’re coming from a place of truth, creativity, love.

Shadow frequencies block our evolution into the light, but they’re also our doorway to it. Every time we face a difficult challenge, conflict, or decision, we are in the presence of a dense vibrational energy. In these moments, we have a choice about how we want to respond. We can go toward the light by attempting to learn from the challenge, transmuting that dense energy into higher-vibration energy. Or we can remain entrapped by our pain.

The goal of energy work—indeed of any spiritual work—is both to align you with the wisdom of your individual soul and to connect you with the divine, God, or the supreme being depending on how you refer to the source energy present around and within us.

The Chakras -Vehicles for Transformation

One effective way to work with energy—and my personal favorite—is to “run energy” through the chakras. According to ancient Indian wisdom and the earliest forms of energy medicine, chakras are energy centers located in the subtle or energetic body. 

Each chakra represents an aspect of the human experience and includes both a shadow and light side. When the chakras are out of balance, pain blocks the flow of energy through the chakra system and we run the risk of trapping pain in areas of our body that can manifest as emotional and physical stress. In other words, when we are stuck emotionally, energy gets confined and cannot circulate or run its course.

Clearing dense energy and connecting with source energy sharpens our intuition and clarity so that we can use our own inner guide to answer important questions. 

Cultivating these tools helps us navigate life and relationships with greater ease and grace. You live your life through the voice of your soul.

This workshop teaches you how to bring the mind, body, and emotions into attunement with the soul, restoring balance within the system. 


Increase and enhance your aura with Energy Clearing Meditation!

Just as you can catch a flu bug from someone, you can also catch their mood, emotions or thoughts. Fortunately, your energetic body has an immune system. With some self-care energy clearing practices and techniques, you will be able enhance your aura and energetic health, attract more positive experiences in life!

Learn a complete self-care regime of energy practices including:

  • A chakra-based method for scanning your energy body to detect imbalances that is affecting your well-being.
  • Techniques for creating healthy energies boundaries to keep out negative influences while staying open to what nourishes you.
  • Meditations for clearing your internal blockages and increasing your natural strengths
  • Daily practices to invigorate yourself in the morning, deal with real life situations during your day, and cleanse your energy field at night.
  • The first 3 participants get a complimentary Bioenergy and chakra reading report worth $150 !

Date  : 20 May 2023

Time  : 10 am to 4 pm

Fees : $200

Contact Shirley@91992684 for enquiries and registration 

Venue for all classes & workshops : Redefine Wellness, 333B Beach Road. Level 3, SG 199563.

Workshops Fees

$250 for 1 Meditation workshop
$450 for 2 Meditation workshops
$800 for all 4 Meditation Workshops

We look forward to seeing you for one of the classes or workshops soon. If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact Us.

Please Contact Us if you or your organization would like to organize these meditation workshops.

Upcoming Meditation for Stress Workshop Schedule

Date Time Register
Will Update Soon

Upcoming Meditation for Insomnia Workshop Schedule

Date Time Register
Will Update Soon


Upcoming Meditation for Anxiety Workshop Schedule

Date Time Register
Will Update Soon

Upcoming Meditation for Pain Workshop Schedule

Date Time Register
Will Update Soon

Energy Clearing Meditation

Date Time Register
Future Dates TBC
Energy Clearing Meditation
Everything is Energy – What this means for you?

Everything is made of energy and has its own unique vibration, including you. Everything is in a constant state of receiving and radiating energy. The frequency of this energy falls on a spectrum from light to dark. Light energy is infinite, effortless, and rooted in love. Dark or shadow energy is dense and rooted in fear. As an electromagnetic being, you attract experiences and relationships that match your frequency.

How do you know what frequency you are vibrating at? You may sense this energy by seeing colors or hearing sounds—or you may just know it. If you pause before you think, speak, or act, you can usually sense whether you’re spurred by doubt, insecurity, control, or the need to be perfect or you’re coming from a place of truth, creativity, love.

Shadow frequencies block our evolution into the light, but they’re also our doorway to it. Every time we face a difficult challenge, conflict, or decision, we are in the presence of a dense vibrational energy. In these moments, we have a choice about how we want to respond. We can go toward the light by attempting to learn from the challenge, transmuting that dense energy into higher-vibration energy. Or we can remain entrapped by our pain.

The goal of energy work—indeed of any spiritual work—is both to align you with the wisdom of your individual soul and to connect you with the divine, God, or the supreme being depending on how you refer to the source energy present around and within us.

The Chakras -Vehicles for Transformation

One effective way to work with energy—and my personal favorite—is to “run energy” through the chakras. According to ancient Indian wisdom and the earliest forms of energy medicine, chakras are energy centers located in the subtle or energetic body. 

Each chakra represents an aspect of the human experience and includes both a shadow and light side. When the chakras are out of balance, pain blocks the flow of energy through the chakra system and we run the risk of trapping pain in areas of our body that can manifest as emotional and physical stress. In other words, when we are stuck emotionally, energy gets confined and cannot circulate or run its course.

Clearing dense energy and connecting with source energy sharpens our intuition and clarity so that we can use our own inner guide to answer important questions. 

Cultivating these tools helps us navigate life and relationships with greater ease and grace. You live your life through the voice of your soul.

This workshop teaches you how to bring the mind, body, and emotions into attunement with the soul, restoring balance within the system. 


Increase and enhance your aura with Energy Clearing Meditation!

Just as you can catch a flu bug from someone, you can also catch their mood, emotions or thoughts. Fortunately, your energetic body has an immune system. With some self-care energy clearing practices and techniques, you will be able enhance your aura and energetic health, attract more positive experiences in life!

Learn a complete self-care regime of energy practices including:

  • A chakra-based method for scanning your energy body to detect imbalances that is affecting your well-being.
  • Techniques for creating healthy energies boundaries to keep out negative influences while staying open to what nourishes you.
  • Meditations for clearing your internal blockages and increasing your natural strengths
  • Daily practices to invigorate yourself in the morning, deal with real life situations during your day, and cleanse your energy field at night.
  • The first 3 participants get a complimentary Bioenergy and chakra reading report worth $150 !

Date  : Level 1 – 10 Sept 2023

Time  : 10 am to 5 pm

Fees : $300 (Sign up one month before the workshop to enjoy Early Bird Fees at $250) 

Contact Shirley@91992684 for enquiries and registration 

Venue for all classes & workshops : Redefine Wellness, 333B Beach Road. Level 3, SG 199563.

Workshops Fees

$300 for 1 Meditation workshop

We look forward to seeing you for one of the classes or workshops soon. If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact Us.

Please Contact Us if you or your organization would like to organize these meditation workshops.

Energy Clearing Meditation

Date Time Register
Future Dates TBC    


  • Great understanding about chakras and tips for daily cleansing! Love the sharing of experiences to make it relevant for learning. Shirley went beyond the class content in helping me understand more about spirituality ! 

    Pauline Tng
  • I love everything about this workshop! From learning how energy works and how important it is to clear your mind and keep the vibrations high by clearing the chakras! Why didn’t I met Shirley before ? She is very engaging, knowledgeable and an amazing facilitator! 

    Ekta Sharma
  • Excellent and amazing meditation workshop! I enjoyed the higher chakra meditation as well as the morning and evening meditation… Shirley’s pace of guiding the meditation is very hypnotic and effective in guiding the process flow

    Shirley Lam
  • Excellent workshop ! Well organised with presentation, explanation, meditation and booklet. It was helpful to understand the conscious and subconscious mind and difference between the 4 energy parameters. I love the morning and evening meditation

    Darren Chin
  • Awesome, Grateful and rewarding workshop !Lovely experiences and this is a great start and a must for all who wants to begin a spiritual journey!

    Magdalene Xie
  • Simply amazing experience! For me, I felt very spiritually connected. This is one of its kind experience and I remained grateful to Shirley. Not only did she guide and show me how chakra works, the session makes me feel more grounded and relaxed. It made me realised who I am.

    Karthik Parameswaran
  • Amazing experience! The workshop helps me become more aware of my chakras and the practices are wonderful! I love Shirley’s meditation classes and workshops, every sessions makes me feel very happy and calm.

  • Thank you Shirley for sharing and making me aware of the 12 energetic centers and how to take care of our energy boundaries! Beautiful !

    Bibi Goh

While it is normal to have stress and worries in life at the most trying of times, stress and worry can manifest and become a chronic problem for some. Feeling trapped in a vicious cycle of stress can make people feel mentally, emotionally stressed and physically drained, leading to disruptive conditions like sleep problems, inability to carry out daily routines, anxiety, depression and negative feelings of withdrawal from life.

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