Transpersonal Regression Therapy

Module 3
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Transpersonal regression therapy (TRT) integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of our experience with the framework of modern psychotherapy.Regression is finding, exploring, reliving and clarifying past experiences. It is going back to the origin of problems and decisions and then healing and releasing what does not work for us. TRT helps us explore both our current life and our past lives to identify the source of issues and heal the root cause!

Through TRT can work in very broad scope, one area where it’s particularly useful is in the treatment of significant traumas – be it physical, emotional, mental or even spiritual. Regression therapy can, help understand and heal the trauma, release unwanted belief systems, patterns, behaviours – allowing the person to move forward.

This program is grounded and practical, but open minded towards whatever experiences people have.This differ from hypnotherapy programs in that we exclusively focus on regression and insight­ oriented therapy. We don’t do any reprogramming without first having explored the old programming and the reasons for it. And we differ from more ‘spiritual’ approaches in that we do not avoid reliving the painful stuff. We don’t go for enlightenment, but for catharsis and transformation.

The course is based on the new book of Hans Ten Dam: Deep Healing and Transformation.

So if you are a therapist and are looking at how to achieve a deeper healing results with clients or individual looking for a deep personal healing journey ..this may be right for you!

Reincarnation patterns, life plan and life choices, Releasing Ancestral attachments, freeing from negative and difficult attachments

  • Reincarnation patterns
  • Life Plan and Life Choices,
  • Parental and Ancestral Attachments
  • Freeing people from negative influences of difficult or strange attachments
  • Group sessions
  • Supervised practical exams

Graduation Requirements

You will receive a diploma when you have complied with our graduation requirements. These are adequate grades for:

The sessions on the last day of the seminars 2-­5

Between block 2 and 3: Take­home examination 1

Between block 3 and 4: Submitting first session report

Between block 4 and 5: Take­home examination 2

At the end of block 5: Third written exam about practical cases

Between block 5 and 6: Submitting second session report

Last day of block 6: case presentation of a therapy, consisting of at least 6 sessions regression therapy

5 days of training + one private session with mentor.
Free Talks
Success Stories
  • I was searching for a comprehensive and profound therapy course that supports and enriches my personal and professional mindset of a multidimensional reality and therefore healing on the deep layers of human consciousness and the psyche. The Tasso International Curriculum has it all and brings this requirement even to a new level of quality and expertise. I am always going for the best teachers I can find, and Hans and Marion are among them – definitely!’

  • I chose the Tasso International Program as I have had the good fortune of interacting and personally experiencing the work of Hans TenDam and Marion Boon at the 2nd and 3rd World Congress for Regression Therapy. I was deeply impressed by their direct and focussed approach and hence launched the Tasso Program in India with Marion under our institute CHII in 2009. As I was a hypnotherapy teacher already, teaching the Tasso Program was a logical extension. Hans stipulated that to teach the program, we need to do it twice. Hence, I repeated the curriculum in Germany.’

  •  ‘My brother Sven and I started training together in hypnotherapy and regression three years ago. He was looking for a profound program in the field of transpersonal psychotherapy. When he asked me for feedback on the Tasso International Program I got so thrilled reading it that I said to him: “This is one of the most profound and professional programs I have ever heard about. They cover all the known topics in the field of regression therapy in the curriculum, there is supervision, homework groups, own therapy, practice with clients… It sounds great! Whatever you may do, I will join this program!” And so both of us joined.’


Transpersonal regression therapy (TRT) integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of our experience with the framework of modern psychotherapy. Regression is finding, exploring, reliving and clarifying past experiences. It is going back to the origin of problems and decisions and then healing and releasing what does not work for us. TRT helps us explore both our current life and our past lives to identify the source of issues and heal the root cause!

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Transpersonal Regression Therapy

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Transpersonal Regression Therapy

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Transpersonal Regression Therapy

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