Decode Your Life

‘Decode your life’ is a series of SELF HEALING workshops designed for of all those who are seeking to
• Heal stuck limiting patterns in any area of their life
• Learn self-help techniques to navigate through tricky and tough situations with ease
• Learn techniques to be self-equipped for self-development purpose.
• Understand more about self-vis a vis mind, behavior, inter personal relationships, metaphysics and life in general This workshop enables one to have perspective about way to live with peace and clarity!

DECODE is a SELF HEALING workshop for your own transformation and self-awareness. It shares deep knowledge that helps us understand ourself and our world better, introduces techniques working with deep subconscious mind and group processes that guide us to do self-enquiry and enable transformation. These techniques are SIMPLE, EASY and EFFECTIVE to practice for the purpose of Self-Healing. The focus of the workshop is to create a safe empathetic space, where all participants can share without judgement, understand different perspectives, practise healing techniques and have a safe space for self-enquiry and growth.

Decode is hands on applied theory & healing techniques for all the participants. This training Program content is MODIFIED version of respective levels of EKAA curriculum to cater for the purpose of SELF HEALING and SELF AWARENESS to bring about insights and breakthrough. For breakthroughs, transformations and healing, it is essential to work on all the topics mentioned in the schedule, hence the participants need to go from level 1-4 and will not be able to join in the middle!

Level 1: Decode Your Mind : This Level course covers

  • The Flip in self-perception – A logical model explaining how and why we must transform ourselves to change our reality
  • Theory of Mind and how it functions
  • Introduction to what a hypnotic/meditative/trance state is
  • Theory of suggestibility – How we unconsciously program ourselves to process communication – our personal language of professional & social interactivity
  • Determine how to determine your suggestibility
  • How to word suggestions for self-improvement & transformation
  • The procedure to access the subconscious mind by yourself to :
  • Place positive suggestions for self-transformation
  • Meditate in a systematic way
  • Sleep better

Level 2: Decode Your Behaviour : This Level explains

  • The interaction of the different human bodies that constitute the human system
  • The interplay between thoughts & emotions as a prelude to our behaviour
  • Body syndromes – the association between repressed emotional pain and body breakdown
  • Emotional Management Technique – A powerful self-help tool to effectively manage and heal physical, emotional aches & pains
  • A deeper understanding of dreams
  • A preview into the psychological stages of human development as an influences of unconscious behaviour
  • Violet Bubble Meditation – a very effective cathartic technique to free oneself from stuck toxic emotions & relationships
  • Corrective Therapy as a self-understanding tool for coming to a deeper perspective of the cause of a problem
  • Paris Window technique to understand and heal distortions in expectations & outcomes in relationships
  • Hypno-drama as a subconscious tool for rewiring our behaviour in relationships that truly matter to us
  • Group sessions for healing
  • Self-Hypnosis to subconsciously anchor the unfolding movement to self-healing & transformation.

Level 3: Decode Your Relationships: This Level covers

  • The ‘Why’ of Relationships
  • The Paradigms of Human Behaviour Response – Physical & Emotional Sexuality
  • A blueprint to understand & heal our relationships with our partners
  • Basis of healthy communication
  • Group Hypno-drama
  • Understanding of Family Systems
  • Basis of self-sabotage
  • Energetic cord management
  • Concept of Inner child
  • Group sessions for Inner child Integration
  • Self-hypnosis & anchor the anchor the next benchmark of Self Awareness

Level 4: Decode Your Blue Print : This Level covers

  • Breathwork
  • Chakra stretches
  • Inner Right – A deep trance process to release cell memory programs
  • The Chakra matrix – A simple guide to your energy blueprint
  • Concept of prana
  • The graph of physics & metaphysics
  • Techniques to connect to the Earth & Higher Self for prana replenishment
  • Brief preview of the Ascension Process
  • Introduction to how Past influences the present
  • The loop of Karma to Kriya
  • How does Destiny line up against free will
  • Choice as the ultimate decider of fate
  •  Overview to the Inter-life – How we plan our life journey
  • Higher Self Meditation – A deep trance process to connect to the purpose of life

This course also gives you a preview of the content and flow of EKAA Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy course (, in case you are called to becoming a therapist to help others too! You will be able to get credit for the fees paid and ‘top-up’ fees to the full level fees if you are so called to becoming a therapist!


Please reach out to Shirley (91992684) or Pooja (97276181) for more details on the program.

We look forward to seeing you for workshops soon. If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact Us .

The talk and workshops are scheduled to be held in a hybrid fashion (both IN PERSON at ReDefine Wellness, Beach Road, Singapore) and available via Zoom for students outside Singapore.

PACKAGE DISCOUNT : If you register and pay for the entire program (Level 1 -4), you will receive a discounted price of $1750, a savings of $350!!


Course Name Course Fees Date & Time
Success Stories
  • I am so glad to find the root cause of my nagging right shoulder pain with EFT and it healed me almost instantly! It is so easy to learn and convenient to practice anytime, anywhere ! The practice with the group is so meaningful and effective! Shirley is very nurturing, patient and knowledgeable. She is always cheerful and patient in answering all my questions.

  • I’m so glad to have taken the step to sign up for the course and I learnt so much yesterday. For the first time after so long I slept through the night for 7hrs straight. Have been waking up at 2-3am and not been able to sleep after that. Thank you Shirley for this new technique which I’m sure will be very helpful in my journey to more self discovery and engagement with my emotions.

    Lynn Seoh
  • Life saver ! I was 100% engaged! Everything shared had been very informative.
    I really wished Shirley keeps helping people the way she helped me. If I have the money I would pay for my friends to join this EFT workshop! I am so thankful I chanced upon ReDefine Wellness, I feel so powerful now!

    Agnes Domingo
  • It was awesome and the EFT workshop helped me to a great extent in releasing the stored emotions. It is a wonderful day well spent. This EFT session is a milestone which helped me grow personally! Please continue the good work, a big thank you to you Shirley!

  • This workshop really took me by surprise on how deep and intense EFT can be used as a healing and self-discovery tool! It is liberating to be able to identify old emotions that had been hidden and transforming these emotions can be so empowering!

  • Excellent workshop! It helps to provide closer steps to self realisation. Interesting and intriguing topics were shared, prompting the desire to learn more!

  • It’s eye-opening and rewarding ! There are a lot of practice sessions to ensure we did it the right way to deal with the emotions instead of just the theory.

    Chong Shin Shin
  • I am totally new and have no prior knowledge of EFT. I must say I was very impressed to experience the instant results from the tapping during the EFT workshop . The release was instantly observed and it was felt both during and after the session. Thank you Shirley for the wonderful experience. It is truly a therapy that will be extremely beneficial to all !

    Tang Serping

‘Decode your life’ is a series of SELF HEALING workshops designed for of all those who are seeking to
• Heal stuck limiting patterns in any area of their life
• Learn self-help techniques to navigate through tricky and tough situations with ease
• Learn techniques to be self-equipped for self-development purpose.
• Understand more about self-vis a vis mind, behavior, inter personal relationships, metaphysics and life in general
This workshop enables one to have perspective about way to live with peace and clarity!

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